Water is generally thought of as a cooling and flowing element. It holds the ability to move gently into places and take the shape of that space whilst at the same time having incredible strength to burst dams, carve rock- literally move mountains. The water element in us, allows us to adapt to many of life’s challenges by ‘going with the flow’ – picking our battles; hence a balanced water element empowers us to simply be aware of our emotions rather than let them govern us.
Those who have a water disposition tend to be trusting and full of life. They are motivated and can adapt to challenges, are flexible by nature. Too much of this element however, can leave you feeling depleted as you can take on too much. Other negative characteristics associated with this character-type, are indifference and heartlessness.
The Raphael Studios overlook the deep blue waters of Lough Neagh- the largest fresh water lake in the The British Isles. For those who enjoy wild water swimming- there is a local group that swims in the lough most Saturdays and there’s always the opportunity to sail, boat and kayak.
Two types of yoga, practiced at the Studios, support this element of water – Yin and Restorative Yoga. Both cooling in nature, with poses held for periods of time,( mostly from a lying down or seated position), these practices encourage a gentler, more introspective yoga approach which stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, improves flexibility and encourages spiritual awareness.
Some Hatha yoga poses associated with this element are Bhujangasana (cobra) and malasana(Garland pose). It is associated with the 2nd chakra svadhishthana.